Arm lift is a cosmetic surgery that aims to improve the appearance of the upper and lower arm areas. Arm stretching surgery provides arm tightening by removing arm fat and excess skin. With arm lift surgery, which is an arm thinning aesthetic, more aesthetic looking arms can be achieved.
What Causes Arm Drooping?
The arm sagging problem is an aesthetic problem that makes the person very unhappy and generally causes them to wear long-sleeved clothes. When people who have the problem of sagging in the arms usually raise their arms in the air or make a simple wave gesture, the sagging arm skin shakes and therefore the person cannot wear short-sleeved clothes.
There are many reasons that cause arm sagging problem. One of these reasons is rapid weight gain and loss. With weight gain, there is an increase in fat in the arms and the arms expand in volume. Then, with the rapid weight loss process, deformities such as sagging occur in the arms and the need for arm aesthetics comes to the fore.
Another cause of arm sagging is aging. As we age, the skin of the arms loses its elasticity, like many other parts of our body, and problems such as arm sagging occur. Because with the progression of age, the structure of collagen fibers in the arm region deteriorates and the fat layers under the skin decrease. This causes the problem of sagging in the arms. After the arms lose their fullness and relax, arm stretching operations can be performed to tighten the arm. Some people may also have a thick upper arm section genetically, and this thickness may lead the person to a surgery such as arm aesthetics. Arm lift surgery is usually performed on women and men over the age of 40.
What is Arm Lift Surgery? How is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?
The degree of arm fat and sagging in the arms that cause arm lift surgery is different for everyone. For this, in arm lift surgery, first of all, the person’s skin sagging rate and adipose tissue are determined. Accordingly, arm lift surgery and technique are planned. This operation, which is an arm thinning surgery, is performed under general or sedation anesthesia.
If the arm sagging is not excessive and surgery is not foreseen, only laser liposuction can be applied for the arm fat problem of the person. However, if the arm sagging is too much, the sagging skin should be removed and arm lift surgery is performed. With arm sagging surgery, excess skin is removed and the incision is closed with a thin aesthetic suture. Depending on the condition of the person, a combined treatment can be provided by performing liposuction before arm lift surgery.
Arm lift surgery scars are hidden in certain areas according to the surgical technique. E.g; If the skin loosening and abundance is in the armpit, then arm sagging is eliminated with a limited scar hidden under the armpit.
In some people, the abundance of skin extends to the elbow area, and sagging in these arms causes a recovery appearance. In such a case, there is a scar on the inner back of the arm from the armpit to the elbow area, thus providing arm stretching. In short, arm lift is the process of removing excess skin and fat between the armpit and elbow, giving the remaining skin a tighter appearance.
How Many Hours Does Arm Lift Surgery Take?
In arm lift surgery, each patient is evaluated separately and the operation is planned accordingly. Arm stretching takes about 60-90 minutes for each arm. For this, arm lift surgery takes 2-3 hours in total. In determining the duration, the duration may vary depending on the degree of arm sagging problem and whether combined treatments such as liposuction will be applied.
Before Arm Lift Surgery
Before arm lift surgery, which provides a solution to an aesthetic problem that makes the person unhappy, such as arm sagging, your doctor will request the necessary examinations and tests for the operation. With the physical examination before the operation, your arm sagging degree is determined and the most appropriate treatment is planned accordingly. In this physical examination, photos of your arms are taken and the arm fat in the inner and outer parts of the upper arm and the rate of sagging in the arms are determined.
Before arm lift surgery, smoking and alcohol use should be stopped some time ago. The area that creates sagging on the arms is marked preoperatively and the amount of skin to be removed is determined. Inform your doctor about all the medications you use before arm lift surgery. Because before the arm stretching operation, especially blood thinner-derived drugs should be regulated. Do not consume blood-thinning vitamins or herbal teas.
After Arm Lift Surgery
- Since arm lift surgery is mostly performed with general anesthesia, a one-day hospital stay is required.
- It is recommended to rest at home for 7 days after arm sagging surgery. After this rest, you can return to work life.
- After arm stretching, the area where the sagging problem is removed is covered with a bandage. It may be necessary to dress the operated area for a few days. Your doctor will inform you about this.
- In arm lift surgery, a drain is attached to the arm area to remove excess blood and fluid, and this drain is removed when discharged.
- Do not take a shower for the first 2 days after arm lift surgery. After this time, you can take a shower; But do not use very hot water.
- It is normal to have pain after arm sagging surgery. These pains can be controlled with simple painkillers.
- For the first month after arm aesthetics, do not force your arms to raise above shoulder level. Do not lift heavy during this time.
- If the stitches need to be removed after arm lift, they are usually removed within 7-10 days.
- It is necessary to wait 2 months to do sports after arm lift surgery.
- Try to keep your arms above the level of the heart in the first week of arm lift surgery.
- Depending on the condition of the person, an arm corset can be used for the first few weeks after arm lift surgery.
- Avoid activities such as pool, sea, sauna for 1-2 months after arm lift operation.
- It is up to you to maintain this new look obtained after arm stretching. Excessive weight gain and loss can re-disrupt the appearance of arm aesthetics. For this, be careful to maintain your ideal weight and exercise.