Back liposuction and back fat removal aesthetics is a very common surgery today. After back liposuction, the person will have the aesthetic back appearance they want.
Why Does Back Fat Occur? What Problems Does Back Lubrication Cause?
The most important reason for the formation of back fat is weight gain. All reasons such as unhealthy diet, sedentary life, not being able to do sports lead to weight gain. Along with gaining weight, fat storage is also seen in the back area such as the abdomen and hips. The dorsal region, which starts from the nape and continues down by covering both scapula and descending to the waist area, covers a very large area. This wide back area also includes the part from the breasts to the armpits. Back fat also increases with weight gain.
The lubrication of this large area causes the back area to enlarge and give it a large appearance. The most common complaints about the back are generally wide and flat; that is, it has a rough appearance without a groove. In short, the reason for this non-aesthetic appearance in the back area is often back fat.
The back area is an area suitable for fat accumulation and therefore expansion, such as the belly. In fact, some people see the first effect of lubrication directly in the back area when gaining weight. Back lubrication and enlargement lead to a masculine back appearance in women. Women who have back lubrication and think that they do not have back aesthetics cannot wear low-cut clothes and generally prefer clothes that cover the back.
Back lubrication is not a type of lubrication that can be easily removed with sports and diet in a short time. Back oils are commonly known as stubborn oils. For this reason, liposuction from the back is often a preferred solution.
What is Back Liposuction? How Is Back Liposuction Performed?
Back liposuction is a surgical application that provides back fat removal, back thinning and back shaping. As long as back fat removal is performed by experienced physicians, it includes a simple procedure in terms of its technical process. With back liposuction, the person gets rid of the wide and folded appearance in the back area.
If the person has a problem of sagging skin on the back, apart from back lubrication, back stretching surgery may be recommended. Because sometimes, back liposuction alone may not be enough for a beautiful back aesthetics. In short, although the applied back liposuction provides a size reduction in the back area, it does not affect the skin sagging problem in the back area. In this case, back lift surgery can be added to the back liposuction process as a combined treatment.
Back liposuction is a surgery performed under general anesthesia and generally takes 1-3 hours depending on the problem of the person. The process of removing fat from the back is performed by entering through a few small incisions in the back area. In the back liposuction process, rod-shaped cannulas are used to remove back fat.
In the back liposuction process, the highest rate of fat removal is provided for an aesthetic appearance, taking into account the health status of the person. During back fat removal, the muscles, fibers or nerves in the back area are never damaged. After back liposuction, the person needs to stay in the hospital for one day.
While some people provide fat removal from the back; Sometimes it may be necessary to give oil to other areas in order to achieve an aesthetic appearance. In this case, liposhapping fat removal and fat loss can be recommended for regional problems of people. You can visit our Liposhaping page for information on this subject .
Before and After Back Liposuction
- If smoking is used before back liposuction, it should be stopped at least 3 weeks before.
- Inform your doctor of all medications you use before back liposuction. Blood thinners should be discontinued for a certain period of time before the procedure.
- Before back liposuction surgery, the areas where back fat is experienced are determined and these areas are marked.
- Nothing should be eaten 6-8 hours before back liposuction.
- Try not to lie on your back for the first 2 days after the operation.
- You can take a shower after the second day after back liposuction.
- There may be minimal pain after liposuction with back aesthetics. These pains can be controlled with the recommended painkillers.
- It is recommended to rest at home for 7 days after back aesthetics with back liposuction. The person can return to work life after 7 days.
- Although rare, edema and bruising can be seen after liposuction in the back area where fat removal is applied. These edema and bruises go away 1-2 weeks after back liposuction.
- Consuming plenty of water in this process is beneficial to relieve edema. You can drink plenty of water.
- It is recommended to use a corset for a while to support the shaping of the back after back liposuction. This corset should be worn continuously for 4-6 weeks.
- Do not do heavy work and sports for 1 month after back liposuction.
- Preservation of the aesthetic appearance of the back provided by liposuction; so remember that its permanence depends on your lifestyle. For this, try not to gain weight by paying attention to a healthy and balanced diet after back liposuction.