Endoscopic eyebrow lift is an eyebrow aesthetic that eliminates the problem of low eyebrows. Endoscopic eyebrow lift, which is an ideal eyebrow aesthetic for people with low eyebrow structure, creates a stretching effect around the eyebrows and eyes. In short, endoscopic brow lift surgery eliminates the problem of sagging around the eyes and eyebrows and eliminates the unhappy, tired expression on the face. There are many surgical and non-surgical methods for eyebrow lifting. Today, endoscopic eyebrow lift surgery and eyebrow aesthetics are applied quite frequently and provide successful results.
What is Low Brow? What Causes Eyebrow Low?
Every person’s eyebrow structure is different. While the eyebrow structure of some people has a structure expressed as raised eyebrows; The eyebrow structure of some people has a shape called low eyebrows. Eyebrow drooping is a condition that can be seen due to aging, as well as structurally. Low eyebrows create an expression that makes the person look older, tired and unhappy.
In general, with the advancement of age, drooping is observed in the outer ends of the eyebrows and in the temple area. Low eyebrows; In other words, low eyebrow structure causes the distance between the eyebrow and the eye to decrease and the skin between them to look wrinkled and sagging. This bagging image also causes the person’s face to look older. Low eyebrow form is also seen as a negative feature in terms of aesthetic facial beauty. Eyebrow drooping can be seen in both men and women. Although it is more common in middle or advanced ages, there may be a structurally low eyebrow structure at younger ages.
What is the Ideal Eyebrow Structure? What is the ideal eyebrow shape?
Eyebrow is a very important element in facial beauty. Eyebrow shape affects the aesthetic facial profile of the person. Eyebrow shape is important for an attractive and beautiful look. Ideal eyebrow structure allows the person to have a more beautiful face profile. It helps to make looks more attractive. The eyebrow structure, which is in the correct position, ensures the integrity of the face and adds a younger and more lively expression to the face.
According to the ideal eyebrow structure profile; The female eyebrow should be slightly above the upper eye bone. According to the ideal eyebrow structure criteria, in men, the eyebrow should be at the level of the upper eye bone. While the ideal eyebrow structure contributes positively to the face profile of the person; low eyebrow structure, on the contrary, makes the person have an unhappy, sad and tired expression. If the distance between the person’s eyebrow and eye is open at an ideal level, the person’s face will be brighter.
In the eyebrow style, which is specified as low eyebrow, due to the short distance between the eye and the eyebrow, the skin in this area droops and creates a baggy appearance. This makes the person very uncomfortable over time and directs them to eyebrow aesthetic solutions to change the eyebrow shape. It is possible to eliminate the problem of low eyebrows with eyebrow lifting methods. Endoscopic eyebrow lift surgery allows the person to achieve the ideal eyebrow structure and the raised eyebrow model they dream of.
What is Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery?
Endoscopic brow lift surgery, which is frequently preferred among eyebrow surgeries, is a surgery performed by entering through a few small holes with endoscopic cameras. Endoscopic brow lift surgery is a frequently preferred brow lift aesthetic with its advantages such as no scars and permanence effect due to the technique applied.
Low eyebrow model is the most important reason for a tired, unhappy expression. Many people who look older than they are with this expression want to get rid of this problem. Endoscopic eyebrow lift surgery is an eyebrow aesthetic operation that allows the person to get rid of this problem in a short time.
Equalizing the eyebrows with endoscopic brow lift surgery provides symmetry in the upper face area of the person. In short, this operation provides a solution to a problem such as eyebrow asymmetry. Endoscopic brow lift surgery, which is one of the most ideal methods for low brow lift, is also known as endoscopic brow lift surgery.
How is Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery Performed?
During the endoscopic brow lift surgery performed with general anesthesia or sedation anesthesia depending on the condition of the person, very small incisions are made on the scalp in the right and left temples. Surgical techniques are applied to show the eyebrows raised by entering through these small incisions with endoscopic cameras.
With the endoscopic brow lift surgery, the distance between the eye and the brow is opened and the drooping skin that creates the appearance of bags is fixed upwards. With endoscopic eyebrow lift aesthetics, the eyebrow is pulled up under the skin and the eyebrow type is raised. In the meantime, the desired eyebrow shape can be given.
Since there is no incision as in classical eyebrow lift surgery, there is no obvious permanent scar and bleeding. Endoscopic brow lift surgery generally takes 60-90 minutes. After endoscopic eyebrow lift and eyebrow aesthetics, the person can be discharged on the same day; However, if general anesthesia is used in brow lift surgery, one day hospitalization is required.
Who Is Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery Suitable For?
Endoscopic brow lift surgery is a suitable operation for people who have a narrow distance between the eyebrows and eyes and therefore have a tired and old appearance on their face. Due to factors such as gravity and aging, the eyebrow structure can sag, and with the baggy image it creates on the upper eyelid, it can disrupt both eye aesthetics and general facial aesthetics. Endoscopic brow lift surgery can be performed on anyone, male or female, who complains about this situation.
Brow lift is an eyebrow aesthetics that is generally preferred after the age of 35. Depending on the condition of the person, it can also be performed together with Endoscopic Temporal Lift surgery in the period after the age of 35. People who cannot solve the problem of low eyebrows with medical aesthetic applications such as Botox can also be candidates for this operation.
Since endoscopic brow lift surgery is an operation performed under anesthesia, the person should not have any significant health problems. The age limit for endoscopic brow lift surgery is 18. Endoscopic brow lift surgery is not applied during pregnancy and lactation.
Before and After Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery
- It is necessary to quit smoking before endoscopic brow lift surgery.
- Inform your doctor about all the medications you use before eyebrow aesthetics. Because blood thinners should be discontinued for a certain period of time before the endoscopic brow lift surgery.
- Express clearly to your doctor your expectation from the eyebrow lift operation, in which the problem of drooping eyebrows will be resolved.
- In the examination performed before the endoscopic eyebrow lift surgery, the eyebrow structure is examined and evaluations are made on the new eyebrow shape that will eliminate the low eyebrow problem. Endoscopic brow lift surgery planning is drawn within this framework.
- After endoscopic brow lift surgery, you will have small bands on your face. You will need to make an occasional dressing for the hygiene of the surgical area. Your doctor will inform you about this.
- It is recommended to rest at home for 3 days after brow lift aesthetics.
- You can return to your social life 7-10 days after the endoscopic brow lift surgery.
- It is important to protect your face to avoid hitting your face and getting a hard blow.
- You should not take a shower for 2 days after eyebrow lifting.
- Very mild bruising and edema may occur after endoscopic brow lift surgery. This is a situation that can vary depending on the person’s structure. The effect of bruising and edema disappears within the first week.
- Ice can be applied after endoscopic brow lift surgery. Ice application helps prevent bruising and swelling.
- If a cream is recommended for bruising and swelling that may occur after eyebrow lifting, it should be used regularly.
- There may be mild pain after endoscopic brow lift surgery; However, these pains are controlled with the painkillers given.
- Stay away from sports activities for at least 4 weeks after eyebrow lift surgery. You can take light walks a few days after the operation.
- Do not lift heavy or do heavy housework for 4 weeks after endoscopic brow lift surgery.
- Protect your face from intense sunlight for 4 to 6 weeks after brow lift.
- After the eyebrow lift operation, in which the problem of drooping eyebrows is eliminated, stay away from activities such as hammam, sauna, solarium and pool for 4-6 weeks.
- If you are going to have applications such as skin care, wait for a period of at least 3 weeks after eyebrow lifting.
- Do not lie face down for 4 weeks after endoscopic brow lift surgery.
- Do not smoke after brow lift surgery. Smoking negatively affects the healing process after surgery.